Gift Certificates
Gift Cerificates are available in store and online. We can mail them to any address with no charge. Our Gift Certificates do not have an expiry date. When ordering a Gift Certificate online please make sure to click "Pick-up" for the shipping option so you will not be charged for shipping. If you need the Gift Certificate shipped to another address other than your own please describe the new shipping address in the notes. Unfortunately we do not have an easy way use the Gift Certificates as a payment on our website. So if you wanted to use the Gift Certificate as a payment for online orders you would have to pay with one of the other payment options, credit card or Pay Pal, then make a note in the "Comments" section of the checkout page on the order saying that you would like a credit of the amount of the Gift Certificate, along wth the Gift Certificate number. Sorry for the round about way of redeming a Gift Certificates online but we do not currently have the technology to do it any other way.?